Thursday 12 May 2011

How To Make a Fake ID at Home

Fake IDs are the keys to the kingdom. Through fake IDs, you can get into places that you would otherwise be standing outside of, looking in with envy. Thanks to these marvels of the modern world, you can get into clubs, bars and other fun places. You'll need graphics editing software, like Photoshop - if you've already got a copy of Photoshop, then I strongly recommend you check out - this site will teach you everything you need to know about manipulating digital images in Photoshop!

The fake ID is an essential tool in your wallet. You can use it to make you seem older than you really are, get you through the doors of prestigious clubs, allow you to buy drinks, and in the worst case scenario, use it to pick the lock of your door when you get locked out.
Before you start fantasizing about all the things you will be doing with your fake ID, you must get one first. You can buy one, but good fake IDs are expensive. Why not do it yourself? Follow these simple steps and you can make your own.

1. Start with a fake ID template. Before you begin making your fake ID, you have to start with a template to copy from. It is easy to find one through the Internet. A simple search should provide you with dozens of places where you can download fake ID templates. Find the one you need and you can start working.
2. Make your own fake ID template. The best program to use in making your fake ID is Photoshop. Start by scanning a sample ID in a high resolution scanner.

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