Thursday 12 May 2011

How to Calculate Gate Percentile

GATE is an acronym for "graduate aptitude test in engineering." The GATE test is used to assess the performance of engineering students who apply for graduate school in India. The test is administered by the Indian Institute of Science (IISC) and six Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT). A student's GATE percentile score indicates the percentage of test-takers that scored below them in their particular test category.

Determine your All India Rank. This ranking indicates how well you performed on the test relative to all of the other test-takers in your category. The person who performed the best in their category receives a ranking of 1, the second best receives a ranking of 2, and so on. Your individual rank should be provided with your test results.
Determine the total number of candidates appearing in your category. This may also be expressed as the total number of candidates appearing in your paper. Either way, this information should also be provided with your test results.
Insert the information gathered from the first two steps into the formula: P= ((T-R) / R) x 100 Where P=Percentile, T=Total number of candidates, and R=All India Rank. For example, if your All India Rank was 700 and the total number of candidates in your category was 3,000, you would insert this information into the formula to get: P= ((3,000-700) / 3,000) x 100
Solve the equation. Using our example from the previous step, this would give us:
P=((3,000-700) / 3,000) x 100 ---> P=(2,300 / 3,000) x 100 ---> P= 0.766 x 100 ---> P=76.6%

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