Thursday, 12 May 2011

How To Start a Computer Delivery and Setup Service

Though there is an infinite pool of information on that Net which gives instructions on how to set up a computer, most users are still hesitant to set up their own desktop computer. They are afraid of accidentally destroying the computer before they even have the chance to use it. Take advantage of this opportunity and offer your services to deliver and set up computers for users. Here’s how to start your own computer delivery and set up service.

* Operations. First you will need to set up a “headquarters” for your computer delivery and setup service. If your business is a small operation – serving a small and manageable area of business – a quaint office would suffice. But if you are considering expanding to encompass several states and towns, you may want to establish a head office and satellite offices.

If you are purely offering a computer delivery and setup service, you may want to approach neighboring computer shops and partner with them. They sell; you deliver. Both of your businesses will greatly benefit from the partnership.
* Vehicles. Depending on the size of your operations, you may need one or more pickup trucks or cars for your delivery service. It may not be advisable to use scooters, motorcycles or bikes for this type of delivery service as the items being delivered may be too big and too heavy - unless of course you are delivering laptops. Scooters and motorcycles may be more advisable if the pick-up points are not too far away from your computer centers.

If you cannot afford to buy your own vehicles yet, you may want to work out a partnership with delivery services around your area. You can package their services into your computer delivery and setup.
* House calls. Instead of having the laptops or computers picked up, sent to the centers for repair and then delivered back to the home, why not provide the option of having the computer technician go to the client’s home. You can add a fee to have the computer technician teach the clients on how to reboot and fix common computer problems.
* Computerized schedule. To ensure a smooth operation, update your delivery systems by going electronic. Track the delivery and synchronize timing by logging in the schedules on a computer program. You don’t need any expensive or complicated programs for this. Microsoft Excel will do. Logging the schedules and deliveries in a software program will help you get a better grasp of your operations and see what areas need improvement. You can also fix the schedules of deliveries easily on a computer.
* Communication. To help track the deliveries, you will also need a radio system to help in the communication between satellite stores and drivers. Since radios are passé, you may want to buy a few mobile phones for the delivery drivers to help ensure that deliveries are made on time.
* Promotion. Promote your business by posting flyers on community billboards, setting up an official website and forwarding advertisements/ emails to potential clients. You may also want to reach clients by approaching certain business offices and schools. You can also spread the good news by word of mouth. Launch your new business by offering promotions and discounts to attract new customers.

Good luck!

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