How many times have you read that you will need a hosting solution to support a web-based business? Having your own web hosting solution is a great way to earn extra income. It is low maintenance and is always in demand, especially for those who are not that familiar on how easy it is to set up their own hosting service. If you are interested in having one, all you need is a web server plus your website plus an Internet connection. Read on the steps outlined below so that you will have an idea how to set up one.
* Writing a business plan. While this may sound geeky, writing a business plan helps you stay in focus in setting up your business. A plan helps you get to know the risks and benefits of your business and it will always help you keep track of what you need to do next to achieve your goal.
* Thinking of a business name. Behind every successful business is a good business name. Think of a simple and easy to remember name for your web hosting service. Take note that your name does not have to have a direct relationship to your business – sometimes the quirky and one word names work best.
* Thinking of the legal aspects. When you are all set in establishing your business, get your name and other details registered in your local business center. You would need a business permit and tax identification numbers for your proper payment of fees and taxes.
* Making your company website. Your next step when you have everything else formalized is to have your own website. What is a web hosting service without its own simple, easy to understand website? Make sure your name is prominently displayed and the rates of your services are easy to spot. Contact information must be complete and up to date as well. Make sure you get your own domain name and do not under any circumstance ride on another domain. This just shows that you are a legitimate company.
* Getting your hardware ready. Once you are up with your website, you need to have all of your hardware in check and ready. The amount of space that you will initially need depends on what you have envisioned for your business. Are you going local first and is planning to start small? Or are you planning on a wide deployment that you plan to advertise nationwide? Make sure that when you do advertise your service, you have the necessary hardware to back it up because customers might just drop in instantly and you may not have the ample storage for their needs.
* Print ads and make web ads. You have nearly everything else in place and all you need to do is to market your service. Prepare some web banner ads that you can place in social networking sites or in Invest in different banner sizes that have clear, easy to read text. The web banner ads do not have to be fancy. Print some supplemental hard copies as well.
When you are done with all these, you should be ready to expect incoming customers the moment you send out your flyers and web banner ads.
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