New subscribers who just recently jumped into the Facebook bandwagon may have difficulties navigating the social networking site. In this article, we will give you pointers on how to navigate Facebook.
1. Find all of the people you know on Facebook. Once you are logged in and on the Home page, at the top center of the screen you will see a Search tab. Type in the names of the people you want to look for and wait for the results to be generated. If your search did not yield the results you were looking for, you can still filter the search by specifying the location, school, workplace or email address of your friend. When you finally find your friend on Facebook, click on the ‘Add as Friend’ button and wait for them to confirm your friend request.
2. Add information about yourself to share to your friends. Click on Profile located on the top right of the Home page. By default, you will be directed to your Wall. Click on the Info tab under your name and click again on Edit Information. Under the Basic Information field, you can specify your sex, birthday, city and hometown details, family members, relationship status, political and religious views. Under the Personal Information field, you can specify your activities, interests, favorite music, TV shows, movies, books, and quotations. Under the Contact Information field you can indicate your email addresses, IM screen names, mobile phone number, land phone number, complete address and your website/s. Lastly, under the Education and Work field is where you can indicate your college/university, high school, and employers over the years. Providing all your personal details in the Info tab is not mandatory, so it’s okay if you don’t accomplish each field. You can also change the privacy settings if you want everyone on Facebook or just your contacts to view the information listed.
3. Post content to your Facebook Wall. When you post content to your Wall, you can do it both on the Home page and on the Profile page. On top of both the pages you will see a field labeled ‘What’s on your mind?’ where you can type in your status message. You can also post a photo, a video, an event or a link. Click Share when you’re done typing your status message or attaching content and it will appear on your wall and all your friends’ News Feed.
4. View all your friends’ Facebook posts. You can go to your friend’s profile to view the content they’ve posted on their Wall, or you can see it posted on your News Feed in the Home page. Everything, from status messages, photos, videos, events, links, new friends, and application posts can be seen on the News Feed. You can also comment on your friends’ posts.
Navigating Facebook for the first time can be confusing for some people. We’ve covered the basics for you and once you get the feel of the site, navigating Facebook will just be a piece of cake.
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