Thursday, 12 May 2011

How to Create an Aimbot for Online Pool

An aimbot is a program that provides help to the player in games such as pool. It can sometimes calculate the likely percentages of hitting your target, or show shaded areas to represent probabilities. Some aimbots will also give you direct advice about where to aim, when to shoot, and other help. You can download a program that will create a free aimbot for you from various places online.


1. Download and install Yahoo Pool Aimer (see Resources). Open the program and click "File" and select "Options." Select your preferences for the aimer such as the "Power," "aiming banks" and particular color schemes.
2. Click "Start" in Windows and select "Internet Explorer." Navigate to the Xaimer website. Download and install Xaimer (see Resources). Move the cue around the board to get a line drawing of where all the bounces are going to occur.
3. Download and install Pool Buddy Yahoo (see Resources). Click "Calibrate" to get the best color scheme for your eyes. The program also comes with a "virtual ball" option so you can measure how exactly the ball might fit into the pocket.

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